Effective Time Management: SAME (Social, Active, Motivated and Eager) Students with Different Activities


About us:

The project began on 1 October 2019 and it is going to end on 31 August 2020. The project was extended due to Covid 19. There are thre school participating in the project.

The goal of the project:

Time is an invaluable resource. Therefore, it is extremely important to use time effectively, to plan our goals, responsibilities, pleasures and activities that are included in our social life.When Considering that education is a process and the effectiveness of this process is largely possible with good use of time, our students and teachers should be highly skilled in time management. As a result of the interviews with our school guidance service, surveys with our students and the 4.5 interviews with our project partners, the areas that our students and teachers spend most of their time were determined as follows:

  1. a) Mobile Phone
  2. b) Computer
  3. c) İnternet


  1. e) Sleepdisorder
  2. f) Routines
  3. g) unnecessary chats withfriends

Technology is, of course, very useful, very useful if used appropriately. But if not controlled used, it poses risks. Owing to the devices such as in mobile phone, tablet, computers and internet students are estranging from social life their scholl success is decreasing and they are almost becoming addicted to these devices day by day. We aim to overcome this problem, spend time with the activities more positive, suitable for our objectives and ages thanks to this project. There 3 mobilitres in this project and all the activities in these mobiliting serve this purpose. Our project aims to overcome these deficiencies in this field, increase awareness of students about effective time management and make them concious about than, make them social in addittion to academic success, bring them together with theirpeers having different culture and language, improve their language skills, reading in an out of school, do hiking, dance make, visits to historical and touristic, do sports, playing games suitable for their age with friends, spending time in library and most importantly get them adopt planned and programmed living habits.

Each mobility and activity in our project aims at different activities and achievements that can be used in leisure time management. It is aimed to eliminate a different need in each activity. The events were planned to enable participants to learn by doing and living. In these student-centered activities, our teachers have a great job. Because our Teachers, will guide our students under the age of 18, will contribute to them with their knowledge and experience and will meet with their colleagues and will interact both professionally and culturally. All schools will participate with dissemination activities with their teachers and students. The dissemination activities that will start at school first will then be moved out of school. Erasmus + corner will be organized in schools, after the presentations in seminars and meetings for teachers, students and parents, a web page will be created for our Erasmus + project, social media tools will be used effectively, hand brochures and posters will be organized and the project will be announced in local and national press.


Project partners:

Brežice Elementary School (the coordinator)

Kepsut ÇokProgramliAnadolu Lisesi (Turkey)



Slovenia – December 2019

Daily plan:

Erasmus+ – daily plan

1 December – 7 December 2019

1 December


Arrival to hotel


Arrival Italy: 1 December Zagreb 12.35

Host families– pick up the students

Arrival Turkey:1 December

Ljubljana 18.55

Everybody stays in a hotel.

  •  bus (They will pick you up at the airport and bring you to the hotel, I will come to the airport)
  • večnamenski prostor – 14.30 – Marjanca


2 December


  • 8.20 – 8.40   ::   Meeting the principal and teachers


  • 8.45 – 9.15   ::   Cultural program


  • 9.29 – 10.00   ::   School viewing


  • 10.0 – 10.20   ::   Snack in the school canteen


  • 11.35 – 12.20   ::   A presentation about Slovenian school system


  • 12.20 – 12.40   ::   Lunch in the school canteen


  • 13.00 – …   ::   Evaluation meeting with the participants (evaluation of the day)


Afternoon activities

  • 13.30 – 18.00   ::   Jelenov greben :: Chocolate house :: Olimje

3 December


  • 8.20 – 10.00   ::   Team building


  • 10.00 – 10.15   ::   Snack in the school canteen


  • 10.20 – 12.30   ::   Workshops (dancing, cooking, classroom in the nature..)


  • 12.40 – 13.00   ::   Lunch (in school)


  • 13.00 – 15.00   ::   SAME (activities)


  • 16.30 – 18.00   ::   Brežice Castle, Posavski muzej Brežice :: sightseeing

4 December


  • 9.00 – 18.00   ::   Ljubljana :: Castle :: Boat trip :: Free time :: Lunch

5 December


  • 8.20 – 9.05   ::   Observing teachers’ lesson


  • 9.10 – 9.55   ::   Observing teachers’ lesson


  • 10.00 – 10.30   ::   Snack


  • 10.30 – 12.30   ::   Evaluation, making posters, short films, certificates


  • 12.30   ::   Lunch


 Afternoon activities

  •  16 – 17   ::   Visit the library


  • 18.00   ::   Farewell dinner

6 December


  • 7.30 – 8.15   ::   A presentation about Turkish and Italian educational system and your hometown, exchange of gifts


  • 9.00– 10.00   ::   Meeting the mayor


  • 10. 15   ::   Mother Gaia




  • 13.00   ::   Lunch (in school)




Afternoon activities

  • 14 – 20   ::   Zagreb
  • Presentation must not be longer than 10 minutes




  • Bus to Senovo. We are going to see a play called Mother Gaia (performed by our students)







  • Sightseeing: Zagreb – Martina, Marjanca
Saturday 7 December

Italian team

Turkish team

9.00 departure

16.00 departure

To the airport

To the airport

Turkey – September 2020 (postponed due to Covid 19)
Italy – May 2020 (postponed due to Covid 19)


Project activities:


October 2019
  • Signing contract with the national agency,
  • Making a meeting at school and give information to the teachers,
  • Making a meeting at school and give information to the students,
  • To make meetings with project partners through 4.5 G and Skype and to set a road map for the project, -Preparation for implementation of the project and preparation of strategic action plan for implementation of the project.
November 2019
  • Building a website for project,
  • Determining the participants,
  • Planning and carrying out Visa, Travel and accommodation procedures of participants,
  • Planning and carrying out cultural and linguistic preparations for the participants.
December 2019
  • Making the first meeting with partners before mobility,
  • Last review of mobility organization, -Preparing and distributing leaflet about Slovenia for participants,
  • Realizing a 5 day mobility programme in Slovenia ,
  • Making meeting for assessing the mobilities among partners.
January 2020
  • Reporting the results of the mobilities,
  • preparing a bulletin board in schools, – Making meeting and presentation for teacher,
  • Sharing the results of First mobility in the Web page and social media,
  • Preparing newsletter for “ Pupils exchange 1”
February 2020
  • Students will give information about “Pupils exchange 1” gains to other students at the school and make presentations,
  • Our teachers will present to other teachers at the school about “ Pupils exchange 1” mobility gains,
  • Teachers and students will make presentations about »Pupils exchange 1″for parents.
April 2020
  • Making a meeting with the partners and planning the organization Italy,
  • Determing participants for mobility in İtaly,
  • Planning and organizing the visa procedures, travel accommodation, -Giving information about cultural, social and economic life in Italy for participants
May 2020
  • Planning the organization and preventing the saults with the partner in Italy,
  • Preparing and distributing a leaflet to the participants about Italy,
  • Realizing a 5-day mobility program in Italy Making meeting with partners to assess the learning outcomes of mobility in Italy.
June 2020
  • Reporting the results of the 2. students’ mobilities and sharing them with the partners,
  • Comparing the 1. students’ mobilities to the 2. and sharing the results,
  • Preparing a board in schools,
  • Making meeting and presentation to the teachers in school,
  • Sharing the result 2. mobility in website and social
July 2020
  • Making assessment meeting with the partners,
  • Making assessment meetings with the 1(st) and 2 (nd) participants,
  • Reporting the changes, presenting the results to the partners and comparing the results.
August 2020
  • Determining the participants,
  • Planning visa procedures, travel and accommodation,
  • Making meeting for the mobility in Turkey and revisions the organization with the partners,
  • Giving information about cultural, social and life.
September 2020
  • Pupils exchange 3,
  • Making meeting to assess the learning outcomes in Turkey,
  • Making final project meeting.
October 2020
  • Reporting the results of 3(rd) Students’ mobilites and sharing them with the partners. companing the 1(st) students mobilitiy activities to the 2(nd) and 3 (rd) and sharing it with the partners,
  • Preparing boards in school,
  • Making meeting and presentation for teacher,
  • Sharing the results of the 3(rd) mobility in website and social media. -Making a bulletin.
November 2020
  • Making dissemination activity, -Beginning to peruse the final report. -Making final meeting with the partners.
December 2020
  • Continuing the dissemination activities,
  • Preparing the final report,
  • Termination of the project.


Related links:





Photo gallery:


  1. Mobility (Slovenia, 6 – 10 December 2019)
  2. Virtual mobility – Italy (3 May – 7 May 2021)
  3. Virtual mobility – Turkey (7 June – 11 June 2021)