About the project:

Bullying is a repetitive, prolonged form of aggressive or violent behavior towards one or more persons against their will (for example, due to their race, cultural background, religion, socio-economic class, language, physical appearance or abilities, body size, intellectual abilities, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc…) and with the aim of harming, hurting, intimidating, humiliating, excluding, isolating, discriminating against or oppressing the target or targets of bullying. Cyberbullying has a strong difference compared to the other forms of bullying because it is carried on mainly by peers. That means that the different level of power is not given by the age or the physical strength, but – somehow- by the technological capability of the aggressor to produce a “content” that can reach billions of users at the same time. Cyberbullying does not depend on the personal characters, implies an insensibility toward the social disvalue, can become a multiplier for crimes like defamation and due to the technological means, it is hard to identify the active subject. When we examine the EU and Education and Training 2020 targets, we see that education and training of qualified human resources are of vital importance. ET 2020 pursues the following four common EU objectives: -Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training -Promote equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship It also supports the achievement of the following benchmarks at European level by 2020: -The rate of early leavers from education and training aged 18-24 should be below 10% -At least 40% of people aged 30-34 should have completed some form of higher education -Fewer than 15% of 15-year-olds should be under-skilled in reading, mathematics and science One of the many factors that will prevent the achievement of these goals is peer bullying and cyberbullying which leads to an increase in student absenteeism and early school drop-out, a decrease in academic achievement and, in this context, a decrease in the rate of settling in higher education. There is no early school dropout problem in our school but we want to take preventive measures before the problems start. We consider making this application important as it will contribute to the realization of EU targets and targets in our strategic plan. The EU education policy aims to ensure cooperation and solidarity among the member states, to encourage mutual understanding, to train students and teachers to gain awareness of the structure, functioning and Europeanity of the EU, and to ensure their active participation in all areas of Research and Development. Receiving the training we need within the scope of our application will contribute to the realization of our cooperation and internationalization efforts by establishing new partners in mobility and establishing the foundations of our long-term cooperation with Erasmus + and eTwinning projects. According to the results of the survey, we conducted to determine the reasons for failure, 22 percent of our students indicated peer bullying as the reason for failure. This problem affects students’ success negatively and causes absenteeism. Despite the undergraduate training, in-service training knowledge, professional experience and all activities of our team, the problem cannot be solved. Our participant team does not know: how to develop strategies to prevent peer bullying that would be useful in preventing peer victimization, how to act when such cases arise crisis management skills during and after such cases, good practices in solving the problem, how to provide effective counsel to parents of students who cause or are exposed to bullying. As it is not possible for us to solve this problem by making use of the local and national resources, as well as considering the results from the literature survey we did that there are fewer studies conducted in Slovenia concerning the issue, we have decided to apply to be able to learn from Finnish practices such as KIVA and from the experiences that they have. These needs have been set out in SWOT analysis and with the statements made by our team concerning the problems at various commissions and boards. Our team, who will gain expertise through training, will be able to secure the school environment, and attain to the target levels as set out in the strategic plan in absenteeism, academic success, as well as in starting higher education. This application will help the participatory team get expertise, develop strategy, adopt good practices to our curriculum, counsel parents effectively, prepare action plans that will help us solve current problems so we can attain to the aims and rates set out in our strategic plan, improve their professional profile, enhance their knowledge of foreign languages, improve their digital skills, create a European identity for our school, promote the school’s recognition and boost its capacity, as well as form new partnerships.

Learning outcomes:

Learning Outcomes: “School Strategies for Success with Anti-Peer Bullying” course in Istanbul Turkey; Learning the basic terminology of peer bullying Learning to develop techniques and tools for innovative problem solving Learn how countries deal with similar problems Learning practical applications in the classroom Learning how to take position in case of dangerous situations Learning how to transform theoretical knowledge into practical applications Learning Outcomes: “Drama Education as a Tool for Preventing Peer Bullying” Course in Barcelona Spain: Learning empathy by means of drama Learning long term effects and synergy activities Learning the best practices and best practices on children’s mental health Learning techniques, multiple intelligence, editing and structuring of reading texts and different learning approaches Learning of innovative and student-centered pedagogical approaches Learning Outcomes: “Media Training in Combating Bullying and KIVA” course in Helsinki Finland: Learning all aspects of KIVA program Learning basic terminology about media Learning to use social networks to prevent peer violence Learning ways to increase cooperation at international level Learning good ideas to be applied in the classroom As a result of the trainings to be taken, our participants will have : learned the terminology covering all aspects of peer bullying. learned all aspects of the KIVA program and learned how to adapt it to our curriculum. learned drama and education techniques and used as a tool to prevent violence. Known effective ways to prevent bullying in social media learned what to do before, during and after violence learned good practices and learn how to apply them to our curriculum provided effective guidance to our parents With the project, our students will: abandon bullying behavior increase their commitment to school increase their academic success feel safe at school With the project, Our school will: realize the strategic plan objectives mentioned in the project be a model school be an example for schools with similar problems With the project, Parents will: not to worry about their children increase their cooperation with the school Before each mobility, team members will be pre-tested and post-tested to measure pre-mobility knowledge levels and subsequent course training success. Since the team members who will participate in the 3 mobilities will be different, all the participants gained information after the mobility, will share skills and experiences with the participating team first. The courses will be given to the team members according to the distribution of tasks within the teams by applying the same methods and techniques used in the courses in order to bring the gains of the courses to the whole participating team. After the pre-test, the school teachers will be given a course and a final test. After the trainings within the school are completed, a school action plan will be prepared in which the school administration and Counselling Service will take an active role in both preparation and implementation. In order to achieve the aim of the project, to be able to measure all the works to be done based on concrete data; preparation of school action plan, scale development and evaluation, statistics (student absenteeism, disciplinary events, university placement rate) dissemination activities (web page, social media), good practices (integration of our curriculum and developing good practices) monitoring – evaluation and reporting (for all committee and commission outputs) boards and commissions will be established. We will continue our EU cooperation with Ka2 and eTwinning projects.


  1. Istanbul (11 – 19 April 2021)
  2. Split (5 – 11 July 2021)
  3. Paris (16 – 23 August 2021)
  4. Dissimination


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